November 19, 2007

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ to SunBlox

Q: What are sun screens or solar screens?

A: Sun Screens & Solar Screens are the same sun blocking green product. The two terms are synonymous to one another and completely interchangeable. Solar Screens are an exterior window or door treatment, custom made for your window or door openings that will block up to 90% of the sun’s rays from entering your home or office. Imagine a window screen that covers your entire window-after installed; the Solar Screens will block the sun’s heat before it hits your windows.

Q: How do your SunBlox solar screens work?

A: Solar Screens work by virtue of the screen material that has been engineered to block the sunlight dependent on the profile angle of the sun. The steeper the sun’s angle to the vertical sun screen, the more effective the screen is at blocking the sun. The further the sun is toward the horizon, the less the angle of the sun, hence in theory the less effective the sun screen should be – however, the sun’s intensity diminishes the closer it gets to the horizon. The secret to eliminating solar heat gain through your windows and doors is to block the sun before it hits the glass. Window or door glass that is hit by the sun for any length of time will produce 230 BTU’s per square foot.

Q: Are solar screens considered energy efficient and a green product?

A: Numerous studies and research has been completed on the effects of solar screens versus the other types of shading products. The studies have been completed by University of Florida, University of Arizona, U.S. Dept. of Energy, and the Florida Solar Energy Center/ University of Central Florida. Solar Screens are by far the best way to block the sun from entering your windows and doors per the University of Florida study. Solar Screens will block most of the sun’s rays from hitting your window glass and eliminating heat gain. The more heat gain you reduce in your home or office, the less your Air Conditioner will have to work, the more your air conditioner is not running and the more fluorocarbons we are saving from entering the atmosphere. Blocking the ultra violet rays is essential to power savings and reduced wear on your mechanical equipment.

Q: Will SunBlox use our existing window screen frames to build our solar screens?

A: No. We custom make sun screens to fit your entire window opening. We use all new roll-formed frame, and of course, new solar screen material.

Q: Can you install sliding screen doors if we don’t currently have the screen doors?

A: Yes. We custom fabricate and install sliding screen doors with sun screen. We can also install our sun screen material in your existing sliding screen door frames.

Q: Are your solar screens made in America?

A: Yes. All of our solar screens are fabricated in Central Florida. All of our material that we use to fabricate our screens is also made in America. None of the materials we use is manufactured outside of the U.S.

Q: Can I have just one window solar screen or door solar screen installed on our home?

A: Yes. We will install as many, or as few sun screens as you need.

Q: How long does it take to get sun screens installed on our house?

A: From the time you make the call to SunBlox until the time we install the sun screens on your home should not be more than ten days. Once you call, we will set up an appointment date for an estimator to field measure your windows and/ or doors. The estimator will give you a proposal for the cost of the sun screens you’d like. Once you agree to the proposed cost for your sun screens; we will give you an installation date - this date is most usually seven days from the date of proposal.

Q: Do we leave our existing window screens on, or should we remove them?

A: Our installation crew will remove your window screens and set them all together by your front door or garage. After we remove your window screens, our installation crew will wash your windows prior to attaching your new window sun screens.

Q: Are people able to look inside our house after solar screens are installed?

A: Your neighbors and people casually walking by your home will not be able to see inside. During the daylight hours it’s virtually impossible to see to the interior of your living space from the street, or even with your face pressed against the screen. At night when you have lights on, it is easier to see inside from the outside, but the view is somewhat diffused and clouded – you will most likely see only silhouettes of people walking by lamps or other sources of light. The sun screens work on light differential principles.

Q: How long will it take to install sun screens?

A: It really depends on how many screens we’re installing at the time. It depends if your home or office is one or two or more stories/ floors. On an average size home our installation crew will be there about 2-3 hours. Our installation crew will remove your existing window screens and wash your windows prior to attaching the new solar screens.

Q: Can we see out of our windows with a clear view after you install sun screens?

A: Yes. The view is barely obstructed. The view is much better than alternative methods of blocking the sun e.g. plantation shutters, awnings, exterior shutters, or film or tint. The view from inside of your home or office is much like looking through a window that has tint or film applied.

Q: What color are the frames that I have to choose from?

A: Our stock colors are White, Bronze, and Beige. We can order custom colors at a slight up-charge. We have also had custom colors painted on our frames to match the homeowner’s designer colors.

Q: What are the colors of the actual screen material that I can choose from?

A: The colors are Black, Brown, Gray, and Stucco. The Stucco color is very bright Beige. Our most popular color is Black screen with White Frame.

Q: Do all of your screens have the same sun blocking qualities?

A: No. Our sun screens are fabricated with either Phifer Suntex 80 or Suntex 90. The Suntex 80 screen blocks 80% of the sun’s rays; respectively Suntex 90 blocks 90% of the sun’s rays. The shading coefficient is exponentially better with Suntex 90 – not just 10%. Blocking the ultra violet rays is essential to power savings and reduced wear on your mechanical equipment.

Q: Do you install sun screens on commercial buildings?

A: Yes. We can install our sun screens on commercial, residential, multi-family, government, hotels, condos, and resorts.

Q: Do you offer interior roll-down shades for glare?

A: We offer Phifer Sheerweaves & Bali designer shades that will block the sun’s glare. An important factor to remember is that interior shades, curtains, drapes, window tint, window film, plantation shutters, or blinds do very little to reduce heat gain through windows or doors. The best way to reduce heat gain is to block the sun before it hits your glass. It’s always better to block the sun before it hits your glass.

Q: Will I save money on my power bill?

A: Yes. The many studies and research suggest you will save about 25-30% on your summer cooling bills. The majority of your total power bill is for air conditioning in the summer months. You will notice a significant difference in your power bill and the comfort of your home after we install solar screens on your windows.

Q: How will SunBlox install sun screens on our home?

A: We have several different attachment methods that we use to install your solar screens. Depending if your home is constructed of block or wood frame, and/ or what type windows you have installed is the how we match the attachment method. The attachments we routinely use are Brick Clips, Thumb Clips, Industrial 3M Velcro, and self-tapping TEK screws.

Q: We have arched windows with colonial grid-work. Can you make solar screens that will match our arched windows? Can you match the grid we have in our windows?

A: Yes, we can duplicate your arches and the grid-work in your windows.

Q: Can we (as homeowners) install sun screens on our home after you fabricate and deliver them?

A: Yes. You are welcome to install your own solar window screens. We can deliver the screens with installation hardware and the homeowner can install. Our proposed quote includes installation; however we will adjust the quote accordingly if the homeowner installs their own screens.

Q: Do you accept credit cards?

A: Yes. We gladly accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. We also accept checks, cashier checks, and cash.

Q: What is your payment policy?

A: The company policy is for payment of 50% at the time the proposal is signed by the homeowner or storeowner and the SunBlox estimator. The 50% balance is due after the solar screens are installed.

Q: Are there electric utility incentives or rebates for installing solar screens?

A: Currently a minimum number of Electric Utility Companies in the state of Florida offer any form of incentive for installing solar screens on your home or office. At this time in the local central Florida area; Progress Energy offers a solar screen incentive for your home or office.

Q: Can we remove our sun screens in the winter?

A: Yes. Either the homeowner can remove the solar screens, or SunBlox will remove them for a small fee. One of the many benefits of solar screens as opposed to window tint, or film, is that the solar screens can be removed in the winter months to capture the sun’s heat.

Q: Are SunBlox solar screens better than window tint or window film?

A: Absolutely. The many studies and research show that solar screens are the very best way to stop heat gain through your window and door glass. Window tint and window film will bubble, peel, and crack after a few years and tends to be very expensive. The homeowner is unable to remove window tint or window film in the winter months. Even with window tint or window film; the sun’s rays are still hitting and heating the window glass. Window glass heated by the sun’s rays can produce 230 BTU’s per square foot. The secret to stopping heat gain in your rooms or offices is to block the sun before it hits the glass with solar screens. Solar screens deflect the sun’s rays before it hits the glass.

Q: Do we need our Homeowner Association approval?

A: You may. If your home is part of an HOA, you may want to submit SunBlox samples and brochure for approval prior to fulfilling your order with us. Historically, HOA’s have been quite receptive to the energy savings solar screens can bring to the homeowner.

Q: Do you have roll-down shades?

A: Yes. We offer designer interior roll-down screens and regular exterior roll-downs as well. In several instances we have installed the regular exterior roll-down screens in commercial applications on the interior.

Q: Will SunBlox sun screens block golf balls?

A: Yes. We will guarantee against window breakage due to golf balls if we are allowed to install the screens on the face of the wall as opposed to a recessed installation against the window.

Q: How will sun screens affect the appearance of the outside of my house?

A: In many instances solar screens will enhance the appearance of your window openings from the outside. Due to solar screens, people are unable to see the different types of interior window treatments used to try to stop the sun and heat gain. With the right color combination of frame/ screen – the appearance of all window openings will be improved greatly. We have found that the overall aesthetics of the home has improved, which in effect appreciates the value of your property.

Q: What will it cost us to have SunBlox sun screens installed on our home?

A: There are a few variables to the pricing. It is essential for our estimator to visit the customer for field measurements and conditions. Generally, the cost for an installed square or rectangular solar screen with one spreader bar is about $ 7.50 per square foot. Arched windows and colonial grid are a little more due to the material and labor factor in fabrication.

Q: Can SunBlox install solar screen material on our lanai?

A: Yes. We can install solar screens on your lanai or enclosed porch area in one of two ways. We can use your existing extruded frame, remove your old insect screen material and install our SunBlox solar screening. The only drawback to this method is the inability to remove in the winter months; however it is more cost effective for the homeowner. The other option is to fabricate frames and install at lanai or porch area.

Q: Can SunBlox install sun screen material on our pool enclosure?

A: Yes. The installation of solar screens is most effective on a vertical plane. Solar screen material installed on the ceiling panels of your pool enclosure is not fully effective and probably will not block the full 80 or 90% of the sun’s rays as if installed on a vertical plane (side panels). Solar Screens work by virtue of the profile angle of the sun and works better the higher the sun is in the sky versus vertical plane.

Q: What size frame and hardware do you use to fabricate your solar screens?

A: We only use 7/16”x1” roll-formed aluminum frame stock. We miter all frame corners and use inside aluminum corners pieces to connect the frames together. The frame stock and hardware Sun Blox uses it the best in the industry. Inside aluminum corners are superior to outside plastic corners because plastic corners succumb to the sun’s UV rays after a few years and deteriorate leaving the screen weak and possibly damaged beyond usefulness.

Q: What is the comment that SunBlox hears most often?

A: We receive a lot of positive feedback and referrals from our customers. Probably the comment we hear most is “we can use that room again”. We have been told by many customers that they can not use a particular room in their home in the summer months due to the uncomfortable temperature the room reaches from heat gain. We’ve had quite a few clients that just keep the door closed on the room that is “too hot” and pretty much don’t use it the entire summer. After we install our solar screens, drastically reducing heat gain through their windows, the customer is able to utilize the closed room again.

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